Frequently Asked Questions
What is association management?
As an association management company, we can handle your conference planning or provide full-service assistance to help ensure your organization is financially stable and successful. The association management model brings together full-time professionals, each with extensive professional backgrounds in association management services.
What is the value of association management?
We handle the details so you have time to focus on the big picture. Don't want to negotiate contracts for your next meeting? No problem. Don't want to collect the mail at your personal address? We've got an office for that. We understand your volunteers have full-time jobs and responsibilities outside of their association work. C2C allows them to spend their time where it is most needed.
Who will represent my organization?
Our team at C2C Solutions is experienced, professional, and fun. We truly care about providing our clients with an optimal experience. We're more than partners — we're your allies. Each of our team members has a unique set of skills, which gives our management model a distinct advantage over an individual executive director.
Who serves as the executive director?
Although, each C2C team member contributes to each client, we also assign a primary point of contact to serve as the Executive Director, based on your needs — giving you a consistent, streamlined channel of communication. This enables a consistent and unambiguous point of communication between C2C and the client.
What separates you from other groups?
With our extensive experience in managing a diverse group of associations, we've built a collective skill set with the capacity to help you overcome your toughest challenges. We'll tirelessly advocate on your behalf and be with you every step of the way. We're also a lot of fun — we've been known to host pretty fun hospitality suites.
I have a full time ED, how would you help?
Associations that have an executive director may also benefit from C2C’s services. In addition to full association management services, C2C also offers stand-alone conference and meeting planning. Many times, associations with a fully staffed office may still need assistance due to limited staff time or expertise. C2C's team has significant experience in planning events of all shapes and sizes, and can collaborate with an association's existing staff.
What if we only need help in one area?
We can help your association in more ways than one, but we also understand that sometimes you're simply not sure what you need or only need a specific service. Connect with us to discuss how we can help.
How much do you charge for services?
C2C contracts with partners based on an annual fee paid in monthly installments. These fees are all-inclusive to fulfill the terms of the contract. Initial fees are established based on discussions between association leadership and C2C prior to initial hire. Following the first year of service, fees are evaluated to ensure they are in line with initial expectations.
How do I hire you now?
We'd love to have you on board, just connect with us or complete our RFP form.